Saturday, December 30, 2006

Finding the smallest car that's big enough.

A few years ago I heard Click and Clack give advice on buying a car that's stuck with me. They said "Buy the smallest car that's big enough." Don't buy the Mini Cooper when you really need a sedan and don't buy the Ford Excursion when all you need is the Toyota Highlander.

So now as I go shopping for minivans I'm trying to figure out what's type of space I want to live in for a year. I've looked at a couple including the Honda Oydssey and (more seriously) at the Sienna and they seem to be al lbe the same size, a bigger than I need. But all the other's I've looked at seem too small.

I'm torn cause I don't know if I know what I need. (Isn't that always the case?)

The from their website the Dodge Caravan looks like it's about a foot and a half smaller than the Toyota and Honda so I'm going to take a look at that.

Course with all this trying to sort through size I'm beginning to wonder again if I really want to buy new or nearly new. All depends on how long I'm going to have it. But the differences in the prices between new and one up to 3/4 years old is practically non-existent. I've gone back and forth about five times today alone between new and >5 years old and I'm back to leaning towards new, (that is a new '06).

Just hoping I can still get a new '06 in three or four months when I'm actually ready to buy something.

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